Friday, October 24, 2008

October 24, 2008

I got the chance to go up to Idaho for the weekend. It was fun and relaxing to get away from school for fall break, even if it was just for a couple days. On the drive to Shelley we stopped and got root beer floats and french fries at a little diner that I forget the name of. We got to Shelley, were welcomed by the fam, and got some wonderful homemade food. Friday night we just hung out, played ping pong, and watched Tye and Spencer climb up fifty-foot hay bales. 
Saturday was a day filled with Sam's championship football game (which they won 7-6), pizza with the fam at Pizza hut, and taking pictures. We climbed up the wind-caves and saw what we thought was wolverine canyon (but we later found out it wasn't). We also got another wonderful homemade meal that included Idaho mashed potatoes (very yummy!), and then we headed out to Spencer's house... this was my first ever experience with Sobe bombs. Yep, that's what I said, Sobe bombs. They were having a bonfire in the backyard and Tye brought Sobe bottles. They were sweet. You fill them about 1/4 of the way with gas, poke a hole in the top, set them upright in the fire, and wait for the magic to happen. BAM! The magic is an explosion that shoots flame 20 feet in the air. Caution, do not attempt without professionals around, this is very dangerous.
Sunday was church and more good food and the drive home. We ended up leaving later than we planned so the drive home was pretty dark and got kind of long because everyone was tired. One exciting/scary thing that happened though, however, was some idiot hit a deer and left it in the middle of the road, and it was around a corner so we didn't see it until we had run over it's legs... it was nasty. sick. gross. ew... never want that to happen again. On a lighter note...
My birthday was great! I'm officially 19 and had a really good day. Woke up to my super-duper roommate Megan making my french toast for my birthday breakfast, and to lots of happy birthdays from people in classes. Got taken out to lunch by one of my other roommates Ali, got little mini cupcakes from the roommies, and then later cake and ice cream and brownies from Kelly and Kristen. Mmm! I got calls from friends wishing me a happy birthday, and after that it was root beer floats with Heather and Rachel and Olive Garden with Ben. Oh man, I think that was probably the most food/sugar/cake I've even in one day in a very long time. It was worth it though! It was a lot of fun and everyone helped make my very special day great!
The weather is gradually getting colder and colder up here in Logan. The leaves are changing even more to make everything bright with the coming on of winter. I have yet to take a picture of the leaves... I will soon! Our last assignment for photography was night shots, and let me tell you, shooting at 1:30 in the morning makes you feel frozen. Absolutely frozen. The Howl is coming up soon and I've decided what my costume is going to be, Cleopatra! Woo! And I came up with a good idea for my roommate Megan, she's going to be a ladybug! She's perfect for it and we're going to have sweet costumes (hopefully).
It's true aggie night again tonight. They're going for the record of over 3,000 people to get kissed tonight. Oh boy. Hopefully they make it, however, I will not be helping them break that record. Kissing someone on a statue with a spotlight on you isn't my type of thing. I'm off! About to make my cleopatra costume that will be worth showing off! Woo!

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