Monday, October 6, 2008


Logan... How do I describe this place? Utah is like it's own little bubble. We don't have a great mall, or a great downtown, however we DO have an awesome canyon that is amazing for camping, hiking, and driving in. I shall soon discover the benefits of having a canyon in the winter when it's absolutely freezing (well below freezing actually) and we'll see how long I live to like that for. We have one tattoo/piercing parlour, a sex toy shop, and hookah store for the extent of our edgy stores. Pretty good for a town of 30,000 people (13,000 of which are from Utah State)!
I have officially been in school for a little over a month. I'm learning to like it here. Utah is sort of in it's own little bubble when it comes to culture... It takes a lot to get used to, but once you do it's a pretty cool place. It's actually the state that buys the most hair spray out of all 50 states, not sure what I think about that, but you know, whatever it takes to get your name in the paper I guess. The campus is pretty cool, there is more grass on the campus than probably all of Logan put together (pretty much there just isn't very much grass at all in Utah), and it is right up against a huge drop off that is super pretty to look at. I can't wait to see it in winter!
There is an event called "True Aggie Night" where lots of people from school line up and go up in the spotlight and kiss someone to become a true Aggie. It happens every time there is a full-moon. There is one this month, I'm not sure if this is my kind of thing, but what I would really like to see is someone become a "True Blue Aggie..." Let me explain... Next to our football field is an entrance to the school. There is a huge bull/cow (and yes, it's balls are blue...) and it's on the corner of a pretty busy intersection. To become a True Blue Aggie one must ride the bull. Naked. Yep! That's right, I said it, absolute butt-naked. I think that would probably be one of the best sights I've seen in my entire life if I were to happen upon someone becoming a True Blue Aggie. Maybe it will happen to me someday...

... but I doubt it.

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