Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I got the chance to go home for "Spring Break" (I've been on a break for almost five months now) and it was a blast. The flight there was horrible having screaming kids directly behind me the whole flight, but... I got to see friends, family, and attend my dad's wedding so it was worth enduring the blue-faced babies. I loved being back in Eugene, it's one of my favorite places. I experienced the cold, rain, Cafe Yumm, Spencers Butte, learning actual guitar, Portland, Burrito Amigos, Alton Baker, bowling, Sweet Life, MY BED, Pita Pit, nice fluffy carpet (we don't have that in our house here), and guitar hero; how much better could it have been? Not much! Maybe being able to stay a little longer. (I just now noticed that like every other thing I mentioned had to do with food... I guess I like to eat!)
I somehow managed to be one of the last four people to board the plane even though I made it to the airport with an hour to spare, but oh well. At least I made it! The flight back home was probably the best flight I've ever had anywhere. I think I was awake for a total of ten minutes the entire time. It was glorious. I also loved being able to walk out of the airport into the bright, warm sunshine. I love Eugene, but you can't beat having to go back to Hawaii :)

Quote of the Day :)

"Don't ever take a fence down until you know why it was put up."

--Robert Frost

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I've figured out what path in life I want to be on the for the moment.

I've been admitted into BYU Hawaii.

I've caught hermit crabs and collected shells at the beach with my cousins.

I've met some girls. They just so happen to be softball girls. Super nice :)
I've also been to the basketball games here. Our team is good! They'd give the ducks a run for their money.

I've decided that I like it here. A LOT.

I've learned the benefits of a bicycle. Doesn't cost money to fill up (all human power!), easy to fix, faster than walking, you can park almost anywhere, and it's healthy. I ride it everywhere.

I've also peeled a couple good inch long chunks of skin off of me from my sunburn, but I figured pictures of that wouldn't be so great...

To conclude!
I like it here. I'm happy here. I hope I'm here to stay.

Come visit!

Monday, March 2, 2009


     So I got here a couple weeks ago. I'm living with my Aunt Jenica and her family and they've done a wonderful job at making me feel at home here. We live five minutes away from BYU campus and about two minutes from the beach. The beach. Yes, the beach. Love the beach. I've already been sunburned, and hope to not have to experience it again since I've already had to go through it once.
     Today I got accepted into BYU Hawaii and I'm stoked. I'm going to be starting spring term and can't wait! I've walked around the campus and, yes it's small, but it's open and light and the class sizes are going to be small which will be a big help. The students that I've met so far have been super nice and very helpful with directions! I love that there are so many different kinds of people at BYU. There are people here from like seventy different countries or something. 
     I feel pretty blessed to have everything work out as well as it has. The last couple of months have been a little rough, but I think things are going to be smooth sailing from here on out. I'm learning more about myself and (I think) more of what life's really about. It's been a neat experience to come out and actually live, not just stay in a hotel for a week. The people are very simple and so happy. Yes, we don't have all the pretty little decorations and nice wallpaper and baubles, but we have a roof over out heads and are as happy as can be. I like this different lifestyle. It's been very eye opening for me, and it has made me realize that I don't need half the things I thought I did. Although, I could really go without the bugs, but it's a package deal ;)